
As part of our project we built a toolkit that highlights some of the practical steps we took to undertake our work. For example, the toolkit explains how we used the Freedom of Information Act to collect data for allotments across the UK. At a more local level, if you are interested in setting up a growing project on a plot of unused land in your neighbourhood, how you might go about finding out who owns the land. And then, how you could start sharing your vision with others. Please see the full set of options in the top right corner.

Although the toolkit is presented in a sequence, in principle assuming you may want to start from scratch (getting started), this may not be true for everybody or may only be true for a few people. In fact, we suspect most people may only be interested in sections of this toolkit. That’s fine. It’s up to you how you use it. We hope it is useful and are interested in hearing how you’ve used it. So please let us know by getting in touch with us or by filling out the form below. If you have suggestions about how we might improve this toolkit, we’d love to hear about that too!



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